marketing strategy

03 Aug 2022

The Benefits & Challenges of Advertising Within Your Own Platforms

A Lexington Law study1 revealed that 36% of Americans check their bank account daily and another 30% check it weekly. Imagine if each time your consumers logged into your mobile app or online banking...

21 Jun 2022

A/B Testing

As financial marketers, we’re always searching for ways to improve ad performance. A/B testing, otherwise known as split testing, is a popular way to do so. Simply put, marketers test two versions of...

07 Jun 2022
3 min read

The Confusing Path to Understanding your Financial Marketing's ROI

Banks and credit unions want to see their marketing efforts pay off, but many marketing teams struggle with calculating their programs’ return on investment (ROI). In a recent study1, 84% of...

24 May 2022

5 Cures for Banner Ad Blindness

Banner ad blindness is a phenomenon brought on by advertisement over-exposure. As digital ads became part of our daily lives, people recognized their typical shape and location on a webpage. As a...

09 May 2022
3 min read

Balancing Smart Data With Privacy Best Practices

Data allows financial institutions to target personalized offers and enhance the consumer experience, but as cybercrime and online and mobile banking use increase, data privacy has become one of...

25 Apr 2022
2 min read

Good and Bad Financial Data Behavior

Some experts suggest that financial institutions have access to more consumer data than any other industry. There are several types of valuable data that institutions use to create personalized...

05 Apr 2022
4 min read

Marketing Language for Financial Institutions

Financial services can be complex, and financial language is known for confusing jargon and complicated terminology. It’s important for financial marketing to be as transparent and straightforward as...

21 Mar 2022

Brick-and-Mortar Goes Digital

Many people remember walking into their local brick-and-mortar branch as one of the foundational memories in their financial journey. Despite digital transformations taking place across the financial...

28 Feb 2022

Essential Email Marketing Best Practices

Email marketing is one of the most reliable and powerful ways to connect with consumers, introduce new products, and increase conversions. Sending an email is easy, but getting them delivered,...

02 Feb 2022

Savvy Scenarios: Get On Board With New Consumers

For our third Savvy Scenario, we hone in on marketing to one phase of the consumer journey. Each person’s experience with your institution is unique, and people discover new products and develop...

17 Jan 2022

Level Up Your Gamified Marketing

One thing us consumers have in common is our attention span. We prefer digestible content and quick bursts of activity that don’t take large chunks of time away from our busy schedules. Gamified...